Fairy rocks

Fairy rocks

When we were on holiday in Turkey, we visited Cappodocia. We visited the fairy rocks. These are funny shaped rocks that were made when the soft rock was blown away by the wind and rain and just left the hard rock in funny shapes. We stayed in the Nature Park Cave Hotel www.natureparkhotel.com It was cool to stay in a cave and it was really unusual for me. It was a bit squishy inside but it looked really pretty outside. At 6am Mum woke Kayi and I up so that we could see the hot air balloons floating over our balcony. They looked awesome but they were quite loud when the gas was let off. We ate olives for breakfast , which is special in Turkey and bread, oh don’t forget the bread, it is no1 in Turkey. We had strawberry jam too. It was nice but not as nice as the jam my aunties made.

For dinner we went to a restaurant up a hill. The food was delicious and the view was really pretty. We could see all of Goreme an when it got a bit cold the staff bring you a pashmina (blanket) to wrap around you.  We then went to a place for dessert, it was called Kale Terrasse, www.kaleterasserestaurant.com.  There are lots of nice places that you can drive to like Urgup and don’t forget to go to the open air museum.

By Zara

Dinner in Göreme

Dinner in Göreme

The frescoes in the old cave churches in the open air museum

The frescoes in the old cave churches in the open air museum

– Nature Park Hotel